A $168 million contribution over four years has been announced by Government for a plan designed to help workers get the right skills to cope in the modern workplace.
The funding was announced by Tertiary Education Minister Pete Hodgson and Employment Minister Ruth Dyson.
"Better skilled workers are also more motivated and more effective workers. They have ongoing opportunities within the workplace to keep up to date with their technical workplace literacy, language and numeracy skills," said Hodgson.
"Investing in these skills leads to higher work quality, better health and safety, and improved staff retention. Equally important, it enhances family and community life," said Dyson.
The money is being used to implement the "Skills Strategy", which is a partnership between government, Business New Zealand, the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions and the Industry Training Federation.
The New Zealand Skills Strategy discussion document was launched in April this year.
The strategy will look across the entire skills spectrum "from lincreasing iliteray and numeracy skills to how those skills are best used."