We started to think about who else in a community could do with support. Apart from young families, there are many lonely or isolated people, including emigrants and retired folks.
And then we thought of the people, including those recently retired, with time on their hands, looking for connections or interesting projects. Or, they might be happily engaged in their various activities but have capacity to help if they know about a need.
The group started to bubble over with ideas.
Here is a smorgasbord of them, in no particular order.
• Skills survey. Run a survey of your community to find out what skills are hiding behind quiet suburban doors. Many people won't push themselves forward, but if asked are happy to share their skills, knowledge and time with appreciative learners.
• Record the information in an easily accessible form. Create a database of individuals' skills and contributions that they'd be happy to share with others. It might be craft or technical skills; it could be time; surplus garden produce; meals or assistance for new parents or families with children in hospital. The possible list is endless.
• Web management of the information. Perhaps it could work a bit like Airbnb or Trademe but with a community focus - those with something to offer can post their offering. Those who would love some extra help can post the help they need. (Would the community website Neighbourly.co.nz be sufficient, or does it need to be a different entity?)
• Safety. How to keep vulnerable people safe is always a concern. In the few minutes we discussed the concept we didn't arrive at a simple answer, but I'm sure there is one. It might be as simple as honest feedback by users and providers; that works on the Trademe and Airbnb-style websites. Perhaps there also needs to be a local coordinator or group.
• Honorary grandparents. Some older people, with time on their hands and perhaps no grandchildren, or none living within easy distance, would be very happy to be involved with nearby younger families who don't have local support. When my own parents were alive and living in Te Puke, with their many grandchildren all living in different parts of New Zealand, they loved filling this role for a number of their local church or neighbourhood families.
• Find a champion organisation. There might be one or more community or service organisations in each community that would champion it in their local district. It could be a school or early childhood group, a church, or a service organisation such as Rotary or Lions.
• Other examples. Check out the Men in Sheds movement and the New Zealand equivalent. My quick view of their information indicates that their initial aim was primarily to support retired men sitting around at home, lonely and bored.
Robyn Pearce (known as the Time Queen) runs an international time management and productivity business, based in New Zealand. If you'd like a conference speaker, time management training for your firm, or to receive your free report 'How To Master Time In Only 90 Seconds' and ongoing time tips, check out gettingagrip.com