We constantly hear the work/life balance drum being beaten these days. Do you sometimes wonder if you'll ever stumble across that mystical Holy Grail of perfect life balance? Or does it seem like something that only happens for others? And if you're a parent as well as a business person does it seem like a joke?
If life is too busy, maybe it's time to step back and evaluate. Are you trying to fit too much into every day, every week?
How many roles are you currently committed to?
Take a minute to count up all the roles you juggle - they might include parent, care-giver of aging parents, grandparent, sibling, friend, employee or employer, taxi service to various child-based activities, contributor to voluntary organisations, church or community group member, sports activities, ..... How many categories do you have? And - have you put 'self' in there?
Around the world I'm now hearing the phrase 'energy management' as opposed to 'time management'. Consider those multi-layered hats you wear - can you grade each on an energy ratio?