- You sometimes have to deal with a few snakes to reach the ladders
When it came to getting my first job I was lucky. Job vacancies were always advertised in the local paper on a Wednesday or Saturday and they ran into pages. So when I decided two thirds of the way through my sixth form year that I had had enough of school, and to be fair school had most probably had enough of me, it was without a thought that I applied for a job as a medical photographer. Spending time with a camera in a hospital mortuary was way more preferable than another day in a classroom. Though completely under-qualified for the role I managed to convince the interviewer that I knew enough about photography to get the role. I was 17 and had attitude.
Recently, I have become increasingly concerned at the number of people who feel that once they hit 50 their career pathways narrow and that where they are now is as good as it gets.
I can recall being told as I approached 50 that it was a shame I had never got a tertiary qualification so I could have better job prospects. In reality, while I had enjoyed some amazing jobs it only got better after I turned 50. I believe that was because I never lost the attitude of the 17-year-old.
So, for those people either approaching 50 or who have already hit that figure, here are my top four tips to retain or gain employment.