Has the feeling of fear that has been visible over the past three years started to disappear? Evidence of this respite is becoming more apparent each day. We see this on the front line as more and more clients are preparing to execute business plans that have been on hold for some time and are now willing to take an extra staff member on.
A range of reports have been released into the market, however due to their publication in the December quarter these findings are now out of date and irrelevant to the ever-changing job market. If decisions are made based on old market assumptions, businesses run the risk of being left behind.
I suspect that the end of the March quarter reports will show an improving business sentiment as well as positive economic results expected. There is no way all of the problems of the past three years are simply going to be swept under the carpet. However, if there is a stable business climate where decisions can be made on sound reasoning rather than being influenced by the problems of a country on the other side of the world, I know we can all get on with growing our businesses in a sustained manner.
Now is the time to invest and I say this directed to candidates. Invest in yourselves. You need to start realising your full career potential so start having these important conversations with your employer.
If your employer will not deliver, then start looking elsewhere. Career planning skills are lacking amongst candidates, and these skills are important as they provide such value for money when considering how viable a particular career path is. One of hardest things to work out when making a career decision is what truly motivates someone in a position. People will continue to try and guess themselves yet this will remain fruitless until they go through a Career Planning programme. Until proper measures are taken, candidates will continue to take large risks.