What skills and experience do you need to be a successful franchisee?
Some franchises seek former chief executives or middle managers. Others prefer someone "raw" who can be moulded into their system. Marketing and sales backgrounds rarely go amiss. According to the Franchising New Zealand 2012 Report franchisors are looking for passion, integrity and money from franchisees. The report recommends measurable qualities like experience and suitability to the task and encourages building franchisee capability after an agreement is signed. Franchisees need to enjoy working with other people because they will have to manage employees and help them perform their work to a high standard. Building customer goodwill in order to gain loyalty and trust, and a desire to connect with the community and network effectively, are also important.
Generally a franchisee follows procedures that have been tested and found to be successful so the willingness to listen and learn is key, but also to ask for help when needed. The fact that risk is reduced because the franchisee is not alone is a major strength of franchising. An ability to keep an eye on the business' finances and to work hard will accompany success in a franchise.
What level of finance is required?
Cash flow lending partly secured against an existing or new franchise business is often available, especially where the franchise system has a good business model, a strong brand and a proven track record.
Buying a franchise is a significant investment requiring capital ranging from $30,000 for an established small service business to more than $500,000 for a top-line cafe or retail outlet. Banks and franchisors look for solid prospects and those franchisees who put a strong case will be likely to attract financial backing. A bank with a specialist franchise unit, like Westpac, will understand the issues because they have full details on how particular franchise systems operate. They require the franchisor to provide system benchmarking and demonstrate the level of support they offer.