Giant listed landlord Goodman Property Trust pushed up annual after-tax profit 72.1 per cent, making $134.1 million in the year to March 31.
Keith Smith, chairman has just also announced this morning a 61.5 per cent increase in pre-tax profit of $146.8 million, compared to $90.9 million last year.
John Dakin, chief executive, said increasing levels of economic activity were driving customer demand and 15 new real estate development projects have been announced in the last year, the greatest volume of development work in more than five years.
Those new developments have a combined total project cost of $165.7 million and will bring 95,000sq m of industrial and office space, predominantly pre-committed to high quality customers on long-term leases, annual revenue of around $13.6 million once fully leased and income producing and forecast valuation gains on completion of between 10 per cent and 15 per cent, Dakin said.