I'm a big fan of being present in each moment and "living in the now", as they say. It helps me be there for those around me and squeeze the most out of the 1,020 minutes or 61,200 seconds of a typical day.
But sometimes the best way to spend a moment is to look to the future and set yourself up for it right then, right there.
So let's take this moment to look at a fundamental of investing: how soon you need your money back. This is hugely important for making decisions about where to put it for the long run.
If you're investing for retirement, we know that we're living longer, so we all want to make sure we'll have an income for as long as we're around. For most of us that income will come from NZ Super (keep that $375 a week in mind), then KiwiSaver, then whatever other investments we hold on top of that.