Have we reached a point where people trust company employees more than CEOs?
According to the 2017 Acumen Edelman Global Trust Barometer, it has already happened with the public trusting employees more than CEOs, senior executives, activist consumers, academics or media spokespersons to give them credible and honest information about a company's earnings and operational performance, top leadership's accomplishments, handling of crises, innovation, treatment of staff and customers, views on industry issues and programmes to address societal issues.
Blunt, outspoken comments, spontaneity, personal experiences and social media are defining how the public views companies - not the polished, often vanilla statements by CEOs.
Globally (that is, in the 28 countries surveyed) trust in CEOs has reached an all-time low. In New Zealand the credibility rating is just 28 per cent.
Business is on the brink of outright distrust in New Zealand. But companies don't have that to themselves.