Come back with me to 1997. A brilliant early February Monday morning. Alexander aged eight, was in his school uniform. So were my twins Samantha and Daniel, aged five, it was their first day at school. This meant I was home alone with just the triplets Elizabeth, Aaron and Matthew (aged two). Well at least until 3:30ish.
So I did what any sane mother would do. I decided to start a home based marketing consultancy that day.
Fast forward to Thursday. I'm sitting in the living room, on my laptop, working with an Excel spreadsheet. My husband Steve walks into the room and peers over my shoulder for a few moments. He says with bemusement "what are you doing Debbie?" "Oh honey" I moaned, "I want to do my first newsletter tomorrow and personalise it. I have 300 names here but I stupidly put the name in one column.
So now I have to split them apart into first and last names". I had copied the column of names into a second column and I was deleting the persons last name out of the first column, then their first name out of the second one.
Have you ever done that copy paste delete dance? Copy paste delete delete. Copy paste delete delete. Copy paste delete delete.