Celebrations after Macca's ends zero hour contracts
Celebrations are planned this evening after McDonald's and Unite Union reached an agreement to end "zero hour" contracts.
Celebrations are planned this evening after McDonald's and Unite Union reached an agreement to end "zero hour" contracts.
Unfinished business has kept Xero co-founder Hamish Edwards from slipping into complete retirement.
Time management expert Robyn Pearce looks at the 'in-timers' and says it's important to get ready first.
Family-friendly working conditions also help parents of young children. These measures don't need to cost a fortune.
A new study has found the need to control one's image for job security is prevalent among expectant mothers.
Mai Chen recently spoke to Henri Eliot about corporate governance and her appointment today to the board of the BNZ.
Vivek Wadhwa explains why it is a great time to be an entrepreneur rather than taking job offers from big companies.
When it comes to the workplace gender diversity divide, opinions are mixed. Is progress being made? Or is it just more of the same?
The seasons in George R.R. Martin's "Game of Thrones" aren't regular or celestial, just like business cycles.
To stop perpetuating the gender pay gap, companies need to stop asking "What's your salary history" to prospective employees.
New welfare benefit figures confirm that New Zealand is splitting into two: Auckland and Christchurch, and everywhere else.
A New Plymouth retail store sacked shop assistant Ericia Durning after she took home a car magazine without permission last year.
The boss of a technology start-up in Seattle has shocked his employees by raising his company's minimum wage to US$70,000 ($92,160).
Too often the purpose of why a company exists becomes lost in an unrelenting focus on the bottom-line.
Just as Labour governments are prone to cater to even the more extravagant wishes of trade unionists, so their National counterparts can find it difficult to resist the over-the-top whims of....
New Zealand's wealthiest philanthropists and community trusts are being urged to link up with local employers to create jobs for unemployed young people.
About 180 fast-food workers and supporters marched up and down Auckland’s Queen St at lunchtime to demand an end to “zero-hours” contracts.
If you'd like a challenge, I thoroughly recommend getting some wheels and starting to train for a cycle trail somewhere next summer.
When two employees of a Christchurch insurance company decided to engage in sexual activity under the fluorescent lights of a glass-clad office, they had little idea of the furore that would....
Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Woodhouse is keen to see some of the harshest contracts outlawed.
The most punitive aspects of zero-hour contracts will be banned, the Government says.
Strikes and protests at McDonald's will go ahead this week after a union rejected a new employment offer from the fast food giant.
Assistant finance professor Noah Smith on discrimination in the US and how reducing it is beneficial to the economy.
Research finds three new facts that show how much pay still differs for men and women - even at the very top.