Latest fromEmployment

Council boss' $900 meal bill slammed
An Auckland Council boss who splashed out more than $900 on restaurant meals and drinks on his work credit card has sparked a warning about fraud risks.

Facebook on diversity
Facebook has announced that other companies can use its internal diversity training. But is this a case of "Do as I say and not as I do?"

How to be a world-class athlete in business
The qualities that make a great athlete are strikingly similar to the qualities that make for a great business leader.

Chris Till: Time to put the human back into HR
We need to return to a leadership land where we put people ahead of money, short-term opportunism and pure shareholder interest, writes Chris Till.

Businesses most pessimistic in 6 years
New Zealand business confidence fell for a second month, to the most pessimistic in six years, led by the agricultural sector and construction companies.

Christie Hall & Zena Razoki: 'She'll be right' is no way to make job safer
Law change aims to reduce legacy of workplace harm, write Christie Hall and Zena Razoki.

Executive Success: Appetite for risk delivers reward
When Victoria Crone was sounded out for a heavy-hitting board role, she had just one question: "What is your appetite for change?"

Woman wins battle for paid parental leave
A Fijian woman denied paid parental leave after adopting a baby from her home country has had the decision reversed by the Employment Relations Authority.

Language skills crucial for global CEOs
In Switzerland, a non-EU country with four official languages, executives are expected to speak at least two in addition to English.

Fred Adelhelm and Stephen Sasse: Embrace work safety changes
Delays to improving New Zealand's workplace health and safety regime seem to demonstrate either a complete lack of understanding of the causes of the country's poor track record in this area or a....

NZ best place for working mums
A new survey says New Zealand might be one of the world leaders in valuing the skills of mothers returning to the workplace.

Get Sorted: Caught in the balance
Chuffed because you can easily see your KiwiSaver balance with your other savings accounts? They're actually radically different.

EQ vs IQ: what's the perfect management mix?
While emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills can enhance performance, it can also have a "dark side", writes Rosalie Holian.

Why you shouldn't be happy with 'yes' people
Career coach Joyce E.A Russell shares tips for top leaders on who to have by your side at the top.

We need a new version of capitalism for the jobless future
Is the answer a three-day workweek? Vivek Wadhwa looks at the possible solutions for the future in a world of declining jobs.

Diana Clement: Learning to cope with work in future
Flexible work situations, jobs being changed by technology and new ways to gain credentials for skills lie ahead of us, writes Diana Clement.

Alex Malley: Be collaborative not compliant to get voice heard
Don't just agree with others in the office, says Alex Malley, focus on building reputation and brand.

Death of annual performance reviews
One of the largest companies in the world is putting an end to once-a-year evaluations.

How to reduce interruptions in the office
Interruptions in the office can be minimised simply by shifting the position of your desk, writes Robyn Pearce.

If in doubt stay out of office politics
'I'd really love my work if it wasn't for the office politics," says Amanda, who works in a central Auckland office.

Harold Hillman: Should you do a 'WOF' on your credibility at work?
You should think about your credibility at work, much like you do your car, writes Harold Hillman.

Henri Eliot: Board member, we're watching you!
An important lesson told by Henri Eliot: a complacent board jeopardises a company's future.

Get Sorted: Spoilt for choice
Too many options can be paralysing when you’re choosing products, so here are some tips to get you moving towards something better.

Engineer wins job back after alleged misconduct
An electrical engineer who was demoted for a range of alleged misconducts has been ordered to be reinstated to his role.

Advice: Never check email on Sunday evening
It turns out all of this email-checking to get a jump on Monday won't get you ahead; it hurts more than it helps.

Q&A: Workers question paying for bad coffee
Karla L. Miller's advice on how to deal with an employer who charges staff for bad coffee and office supplies.

Girls take on the jobs traditionally dominated by boys
Skills shortages in trade industries are opening up a field traditionally dominated by men in NZ.

Movers & shakers: Leigh Richmond
Leigh Richmond joins Pohlen Partners, a recruitment and HR professional services firm, to strengthen resources in their sales portfolio.

Tom O'Neil: Career fulfilment from helping others to learn
Welcome to my regular "My Light Bulb Moment" series, highlighting a 'blinding flash of insight', business, cultural and sports leaders have experienced, and how this changed their....