Latest fromEmployment

Couple wrongly dismissed awarded $25k
A husband and wife were left with four children to take care of and no income.

What Starbucks' new dress code means
Starbucks employees will continue to wear the green or black aprons that you're used to seeing when you hit up their stores. But lots of subtle changes are coming.

Hiring a mate can be a mistake
It may have seemed like a good idea over drinks on a Saturday night, but hiring a mate shouldn't be something done as a spur of the

Gender experiment reveals tech gender gap secret
A website founder says the gender gap in recruiting requires 'a lot of different approaches to fix.'

Staff turnover rises, job tenure falls
Staff turnover is rising, with more NZ workers willing to risk taking on a new job.

Why I left my $500,000-a-year job
Scared to lose your job in the future? Hate your boss? Want to make more money?

Justice Toogood to hear Richmond case
Justice Kit Toogood sits on the bench today for Affco New Zealand's appeal against an Employment Court ruling.

Anna Russell: Why you should stay curious
COMMENT: In business, curiosity creates innovation and innovation is what enables growth.

UK house prices drop and joblessness climbs
Theresa May's rapid rise to prime minister will help the UK economy skirt a recession following the Brexit vote.

Tiwai Point workers cut $20m backpay deal
The union representing workers at the Tiwai Point smelter have reached a settlement for years of underpayments.

Failed drug test, $32,000 payout
Envirowaste must pay a truck driver $32,300 after he was fired for a drug test that showed up positive for cannabis.

Stay sought for $23,000 payment to ex-worker
An employer has lost a bid for a stay of execution on an order to pay a former employee $23,000.

Is the DAO the beginning of the end for the conventional chief executive?
The DAO clearly demonstrates the evolution of a revolutionary new type of firm.

The elephants in the corporate corner
Women can be their own worst enemies on the way up the leadership ladder

Navigating the corporate restructure
When the axe is about to fall, an open-minded reaction, planning, and staying engaged could lead to a new role, or keeping your existing job.

Office sharing new trend for Christchurch businesses
Shared spaces, co-working, hot-desking, desk-surfing. Whatever you call it, there is no denying it's a growing trend.

After uni: How much do graduates earn?
Results of a long-term study of university graduates has found they are earning more after two years than the average for their age group.

Employees made to starve for their job
A Silicon Valley start-up has implemented a weekly 36-hour starvation period for all employees.

Andy Hamilton: Innovation creates opportunity
COMMENT: Technology is giving Kiwis the chance to diversify beyond rental property and more recently Kiwi Saver investing.

Not enough people to fill tech jobs
Leaders in the technology sector are calling for more Government action to develop the next generation of tech specialists.

Company pursues rival ex-director, workers
Two weeks has been set aside to decide Eden Group's claim in the Employment Court in November.

Tom O'Neil: Setting out your expectations
Whether it's a discussion with an employee, a loved one, or a supplier, we all have those conversations we would rather avoid.

Why are women less likely to negotiate a job offer?
The negotiation gap appears to stubbornly persist among today's young workers.

US interns fired for 'flexible dress code' petition
POLL: Are millennials the worst generation in the workforce?

Employment divide alive and well
The gender divide in New Zealand is still dominating the employment market, according to Trade Me Job's latest data.

Robyn Pearce: Survival tips for working parents with small children
COMMENT: Emergencies are a fact of life with children - so anticipate them.

Five dumb ways people get fired
Faking your CV and ranting on social media and surefire ways to get fired.

Housing crisis creating brain drain
Auckland's housing crisis is creating a brain drain as talented people move away from the city to escape the rising cost of living, a survey has found.