Latest fromEmployment

Kiwis more cautious over changing jobs
A LinkedIn study shows New Zealand's professionals act a little differently to their overseas peers in the job market

Want to make millions? Here's how
Want to be fabulously wealthy? This is the degree you better have.

Motivating winners with rewards
These days, if you're very, very good at your job you'd best have your passport handy.

Farmers win $42k without a day's work
The two farm workers were unfairly dismissed before they'd stepped foot on the farm.

Make-up and heels 'better for business'
Women are being told by their bosses to put on more make-up, and wear high heels and short skirts to work, research has found.

Hackers open door to career opportunities
Cybercrime is now bigger than old-style organised crime

Tattoos can improve your chances of getting hired
Employers views on inked employees are changing.

Success born from inspiration
Many small Kiwi businesses are started by parents of pre-schoolers and school-aged children. For some, these ventures are born out

Why you should be slacking off at work
COMMENT: Being a workaholic is bad ... after 50 hours productivity slips.

Apple a 'sexist, toxic' workplace
The giant tech company has a "toxic, misogynistic" culture, according to leaked emails from disgruntled employees.

Robyn Pearce: What I learnt from the messy toy box
COMMENT: No matter what the age, clutter equals confusion, lack of focus and irritability.

Workplace: The generation battlefield
In the coming years four generation groups will all be working in the same workplaces.

How to spot the psychopath at work
Do you work with someone who is very charming and self-confident, but they'll walk over anyone to get ahead?

Office wars: Shared-space horrors
Research has found working in open-plan offices or "hot desking" can increase distractions and uncooperativeness.

Worker claims he's owed $100k
A former employee claims to be owed $100,000 in unpaid wages and holiday pay from a company that is in liquidation.

How I skipped uni and got rich
Ever wondered if you'd be better off ditching study to become an entrepreneur? These Gold Coast millennials did, and it paid off.

Factory fair to dismiss injured worker
Boyd Nelson was dismissed from his role after he was seriously injured in the workplace and could no longer carry out his duties.

Young leaders have eye on big picture
COMMENTS: No one can blame young leaders for thinking big and being optimistic, Richard Day writes.

Pay rises not the only job motivator
The dream promotion doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with a pay rise any more

Anna Russell: Tips for team cohesion
COMMENT: To become a high performing team, you must first work on developing a cohesion.

Bad writing killing productivity
Businesses are drowning beneath a sea of poorly organised, unclear writing, research has found.

Trans hairdresser: Where's my money?
Trans hairdresser Dakota Hemmingson still hasn't seen any of the money awarded to her after she unfairly lost her job.

Proof women are ripped off at work
A new study shows the theory that women are less likely to ask for a pay rise doesn't stand up.

Office politics: Kiwis don't trust colleagues
Most New Zealanders don't believe their co-workers have their back.

Are you paid what you're worth?
As Kiwis we might pride ourselves on our reputation for fair play, but when it comes to pay equity we've still got some work to do

Sick way men keep tabs on co-workers
COMMENT: When my friend told me that her male colleagues were keeping track of her period, my initial reaction was, "Wait? What!"

Should CEOs have to reveal their pay?
A new measure would require NZX-listed companies to disclose CEO pay and take steps to improve diversity on boards.

Do's and don'ts of finding that new job
Here are a few golden do's and don'ts to consider when contemplating a job offer from a new company.

Helen Twose: Help yourself, then help others
COMMENT: Hospitality head wants it to be a more attractive career choice.