Latest fromEmployment
Jobs 'best incentive to bring Kiwis home'
A US-based entrepreneur says the most important incentive to encourage New Zealanders to come home would be a job to come back to.
Home building up 7.4pc in December
The seasonally adjusted volume of residential building activity rose 7.4 per cent in the December quarter, while non-residential volume fell 6.1 per cent.
Shareholder watchdog defends Telecom salaries
The chairman of the Shareholders Association has defended Telecom executives' high salaries, saying the company operates in a global market.
When Hollywood meets employment law...
As I sat in the new George Clooney movie, Up in the Air, I thought that this could just about be considered work related.
Air NZ's 'grubby deal' with police slammed
A unionist has attacked Air NZ boss Rob Fyfe over the 'grubby deal' with police that has led to drink-driving staff being penalised twice.
Job market: a creeping recovery
It was the big bang response to the deepening recession. But 12 months on, what difference has the Job Summit made?