Latest fromEmployment

Govt considers buying firm to finish Hercules upgrade
The Govt is considering taking over Safe Air in Blenheim so the air force can finish having its five C-130 Hercules upgraded.

Finance industry scores well
More than three-quarters of employees in the finance and accounting sectors say their organisation qualified as a good employer

Costs literally sky high
It may have become apparent from my first half dozen blogs, that I am a fan of puns in my headlines.

Let's talk about sex ...
Employment lawyer Bridget Smith blogs about a sexual harassent case with a twist.

NZ's most highly paid cities revealed
A new Trade Me jobs survey reveals the average pay-packets for workers in NZ's main centres.

Bank customers surveyed by unions
Bank customers are being given the opportunity to have their say.

Businesses wake up to reality of slow recovery
The Institute of Economic Research says its latest survey of business opinion points to an economy on the mend.

Aussies making NZ pay look cut-price
A cut-price supermarket chain in Australia is offering a $108,000 starting salary to university graduates, prompting further concern over the increasing wage gap between New Zealand and Australia.