Latest fromEmployment

Adapt for a diverse future
Be inclusive to get most from varied workforce, writes Diana Clement

$2m bonus cut for Telecom boss
Telecom boss Paul Reynolds has had $2 million from his annual bonus slashed.

Burger Fuel defends 90-day firing
A high profile Auckland Burger Fuel has defended its use of the 90-day employment law, under which it sacked a worker on the 89th day for questioning her work break entitlements.

Pie-maker justified in sacking cockroach collector
The makers of one of NZ's best-known brands of pie were justified in sacking a worker who stored cockroaches in his locker, the ERA says.

Build talent on front lines
An effective contact centre will enhance a company's reputation and reward its employees.

<i>All in a day's work: </i> Strip search, sacking and reinstatement
There it is: process, process, process. It is a fundamental requirement of natural justice that a person is entitled to know exactly what is being alleged, by whom, and is afforded a real and fair opportunity to respond.

<i>Gill South</i>: Women leaders offered a helping hand to climb the ladder
Mentoring scheme will help women make the leap to CEO or a place in the boardroom.

Wall St down on disappointing jobless news
Stocks in the US dropped for a third straight day as a worse-than-expected report on US jobless claims.

Smart cities attract smart people
Using intelligent technology to improve our environment is paramount, writes Brett O'Riley.

Drop-off forecast unless big projects fast-tracked
Is Fletcher Building's forward workload too heavy on Government jobs?

Free ambulance but not free speech?
The written word can have a significant impact - and often a more far reaching or greater impact than was intended and foreseen.

<i>Bernard Hickey:</i> Let's act now to avoid being the unlucky country
Why is the Government pursuing a policy of incremental and non-controversial economic changes when something more radical is needed?