Fonterra HQ - first glimpse
Listed landlord Goodman Property Trust has provided the first glimpse of Fonterra's new headquarters and announced it will own the building in Auckland's Viaduct area.
Listed landlord Goodman Property Trust has provided the first glimpse of Fonterra's new headquarters and announced it will own the building in Auckland's Viaduct area.
Job candidates say a bad experience during interviews gives firms a bad name.
Young New Zealand workers are more likely than their older colleagues to make the most of business trips at their company's expense by spending up on high-end meals.
Youngsters with ambitions, no matter how challenging or unlikely, will learn to focus and work hard.
Executives who are fired from their companies would be less likely to get excessive golden handshakes under a private member's bill being promoted by National list MP Paul Goldsmith.
Guy Hallwright has failed to win back his job, with the Employment Court satisfied his company's reputation was damaged by his action in driving over a man.
Labour leader David Cunliffe took the attack to Prime Minister John Key as the Government backed a convention centre deal with SkyCity.
A bill paving the way for SkyCity's $402m convention centre has passed its final reading in Parliament, but Labour says they will not be bound by the 'shonky' deal.
The days of a lifetime job, where people slave away for one employer until they retire, are rare.
Information about the harm caused by the SkyCity convention centre deal was withheld because it was considered commercially sensitive, official papers show.
Talented women are significantly under-represented in top jobs, but organisations can take action to level the playing field.
NZ Post has secured agreement from the Government allowing it to move to three day a week letter deliveries from 2015 but rural areas will still retain their current services.
A casual chat with the right person can give you that networking edge .
Chamber of Commerce is offering youngsters a road to a job through pilot pre-employment course.
KiwiSaver for minimum wage earners, schemes shutting down and KiwiSaver for the self-employed...
New Zealand rightly prides itself on being a leader in women's rights. It was ranked sixth out of 135 countries in the Global Gender Gap report for 2011.
Another report containing another warning about the need to address rising costs of super has been met with another statement which says: "there's no problem".
A trainee carpenter from Herne Bay is one step closer to winning a national award after being shortlisted in an apprentice of the year contest.
Contributions holiday is automatic when people leave, but lump sum payments can be made at any time.
Wage and salary earners' incomes rose 4.8 per cent at the median over the year ended June, but the increase reflected an ageing of the working population as well as higher rates of pay.