GM names first woman CEO
General Motors product development chief Mary Barra has been named the company's new chief executive, the first female head of a US car company.
General Motors product development chief Mary Barra has been named the company's new chief executive, the first female head of a US car company.
Personal income has fallen dramatically in South Auckland compared to more affluent Auckland areas, according to the latest Census data.
Has mobile technology created a workforce that never stops working?
A company has been found guilty of failing to take all practicable steps to protect employees over the Onehunga pipeline explosion that killed a woman in 2011.
It's that time of year when people are rushing to finish work projects before Christmas, putting in extra hours and feeling overstressed, overworked and plain exhausted.
For a conscientious employee, not having enough to do can be just as worrisome as too much work.
Labour Minister Simon Bridges says prosecutions are "very likely" for forestry owners who have breached safety standards.
The introduction of a corporate manslaughter law to deal with work-related deaths in New Zealand is "unlikely", says Prime Minister John Key.
Workplace bullying is harmful and someone who is being bullied should not accept it as something "normal", writes Val Leveson.
High school years are when teens face important decisions that will shape their future. But whom do they go to when they need advice?
Former Pyne Gould Corporation managing director John Duncan is not entitled to $880,000 worth of bonus shares or redundancy pay and has only been awarded around $4000 after an Employment Relations Authority fight.
ANZ says the "worm has turned " and employment trends now looking positive.
Listed landlord Goodman Property Trust has provided the first glimpse of Fonterra's new headquarters and announced it will own the building in Auckland's Viaduct area.
Young New Zealand workers are more likely than their older colleagues to make the most of business trips at their company's expense by spending up on high-end meals.
Job candidates say a bad experience during interviews gives firms a bad name.
Guy Hallwright has failed to win back his job, with the Employment Court satisfied his company's reputation was damaged by his action in driving over a man.
Labour leader David Cunliffe took the attack to Prime Minister John Key as the Government backed a convention centre deal with SkyCity.
A bill paving the way for SkyCity's $402m convention centre has passed its final reading in Parliament, but Labour says they will not be bound by the 'shonky' deal.
An attitude of deference pervades New Zealand's working culture, says CTU president Helen Kelly.
The days of a lifetime job, where people slave away for one employer until they retire, are rare.
Information about the harm caused by the SkyCity convention centre deal was withheld because it was considered commercially sensitive, official papers show.
Talented women are significantly under-represented in top jobs, but organisations can take action to level the playing field.