Latest fromEmployment

Job searching tips for over-50s
Career Coach Joyce E.A. Russell offers her top 10 career tips for the over-50 job seekers.

Young workers jump ship most - survey
Workers under 30 are the least loyal employee age group in New Zealand, a new jobs survey shows.

How do you build better managers?
How do you build a better manager? Some companies invest in a corporate university to groom future leaders.

KiwiSaver: Transfering overseas pensions
Transferring pension funds from Britain to New Zealand isn't a straightforward exercise.

Why it's hard to define unemployment
What does it mean to be unemployed? The definitions of "unemployed" vary from country to country.

Road to perfect job can take a few steps
It's simply a reality that we can't always move into the "perfect job". Sometimes we have to build up to it, sometimes we have to consider taking stepping-stone jobs.

What Google says about the economy
A growing number of researchers are turning to big data in hopes of unlocking the secrets of the economy at the speed of the Internet.

The advantages of offices without managers
Some companies are asking why not get rid of the management structure altogether?

Kiwis' jobs about more than pay
Kiwi workers would jump ship for a 6 per cent pay rise, a new international employment survey indicates.

Drug policy 'completely misused'
A sawmilling company "completely misused" their drug and alcohol policy to drug test 190 staff after cannabis plants were found on company grounds, a union says.

Google diversity data pressures Silicon Valley to change
Google's decision to lay bare its lack of diversity ramps up the pressure on other Silicon Valley companies to increase the number of women and minorities among technology workers.

You are the answer to all your problems
After a highly successful New Zealand representative career comprising 25 tests and 93 one-day internationals, Martin Snedden practised as a lawyer and partner of an Auckland law firm.

Parental leave with a twist
"See you later" is how some businesses deal with staff members who go on parental leave. It's not the best approach if you want staff to come back, says Bev Cassidy-Mackenzie, chief executive of the Equal Employment Opportunities Trust (EEO).

Sacked plumber awarded $1k by ERA
A plumber who had to stand alone in the rain while he waited for a ride home after being sacked has been awarded damages and lost wages by the Employment Relation Authority.

Steven Pearlstein: Secrecy keeps US workers' wages down
Incomes have become more unequal in recent decades and pay raises have been infrequent and skimpy for workers because they won't share pay information.

Digging in for career inspiration
Logan Greasley plans to enter the mining industry as soon as possible and make all the money he can, driving the biggest rigs he can get his hands on.

Why not text on the toilet?
A marketing survey found about three quarters of men and women polled admitted to using their smartphones on the toilet.

Minding your own business; getting others to mind theirs
How to navigate the modern workplace where sensitive information is concerned.

McDonald's CEO says company pays 'fair' wages following protests
McDonald's Chief Executive Don Thompson, defending the fast-food chain after worker protests this week, said its restaurants pay a fair wage.

Work backlash for Muslims?
Employers find it okay to employ Buddhists and Hindus but are wary of hiring Muslims, an AUT study has found.

Job ads point to employment growth
The number of job advertisements online and in newspapers rose 2.3 per cent last month, continuing the trend of the three previous months.

FBI hits a 'weed' problem in cyber-war
The FBI is struggling to hire young hackers because its drug policy does not allow the use of cannabis. Unfortunately, hackers like their weed.

Awards for equal pay companies
Two years after running the Demand Equal Pay campaign to raise awareness around equal pay, the YWCA organisation is taking that campaign one step further.

Open-book management lets employees look at company accounts
Open-book management is a system in which every employee is walked through the detailed financial statements of the company on a regular basis.

'I just want to get a job'
What is life like without a job for six months? It is a struggle, those at the coalface say.

What work does to us
Award-winning American author, professor and researcher David L. Blustein is visiting Auckland this month and he has a few things he wants to say to New Zealanders about the meaning of work in people's lives.