Latest fromEconomy

Budget 2022: Treasury to issue more debt than planned
Where the Treasury sees the economy going.

Pass the parcel? Expect an enlarged bond tender programme
The Treasury is expected to announce an enlarged bond tender programme in the Budget.

IMF suggests mortgage lending restrictions could be eased
The housing market is cooling - should the Reserve Bank ease LVR restrictions?

Continuous Disclosure: How inflationary will the Budget be?
Economist more interested in effect climate plan will have on growth than on inflation.

Business lobby stands by 'worst case' description
BusinessNZ trades blows with union over labour law.

Workplace minister slams BusinessNZ's stance on Fair Pay Agreements
Michael Wood responds to BusinessNZ claims of condemnation by UN agency.

Govt to ban new fossil fuel electricity generation
New coal and gas electricity generation ban unveiled with large Govt funding pledge.

Liam Dann: To spend or not to spend? Robertson's big Budget dilemma
The Finance Minister has a tough story to sell as he spends up and talks fiscal restraint.

Editorial: Big correction was overdue but it still hurts
A short, shallow recession may actually be the quickest way to beat inflation.

Brian Fallow: What do you mean by no regrets Governor?
You can only play the cards in front of you, central bank boss tells MPs.

Why rising mortgage rates are yet to fully bite
Most mortgages to be refixed at higher rates in 2022, banks stress testing at 7 per cent.

Two years, 230 social listening reports and a quarter of million dollars
The Government has commissioned 230 "social listening" reports but released just 21.

Grocery prices push food bills higher in April
Latest figures from StatsNZ show prices up significantly on last year.

Housing market: 'Demand has weakened, prices are falling': REINZ
Affordability, uncertainty and changing financial conditions cited as reasons.

US inflation stays at 40-year high
CPI increase of 8.3 per cent in April includes rise in core inflation

First-home buyers under pressure as activity falls to 2014 levels
New data out on buyers and values shows economic conditions taking effect.

Westpac forecasts house prices to fall 15% in two years
Westpac takes far more bearish stand than it had previously.

Q&A: How is unemployment measured? How accurate is it?
Stats NZ's unemployment figure sometimes differs from benefit figures.

Wage growth soars as unemployment holds steady at record low
Stats NZ data shows the official unemployment rate has held steady at 3.2 per cent.

RBA hikes rates for first time in 11 years
It was the first Aussie rate rise during an election campaign since 2007.

Tim Hazledine: How to stop inflation now
OPINION: We've seen this scenario before and seen what to do - so why aren't we doing it?

Cook Islands tourism industry desperate for workers
Cook Islands tourism operators are struggling to find staff.

Why the NZ dollar has dropped US5c in less than a month
The Kiwi is revisiting levels not seen since July 2020.

Brutal reality of burnout: 'Felt like I was going crazy'
Burnout can hit you at the most unexpected moment.

Liam Dann: Tech Wreck 2.0 looms as Wall St melts down again
Big falls on US markets overnight have people talking about the 'Tech Wreck 2.0'.

Opinion: The case against the Reserve Bank and Finance Minister
OPINION: Economics professor says our key inflation tool has been abandoned.

Credit card spending rises in March despite Omicron
Kiwis spent more on their credit cards in March, new data shows.

Sasha Borissenko: 'Work to rule' clause provoking strike action
OPINION: The health system was already under pressure well before the pandemic.