Latest fromEconomy

House prices nearing 2007 peak
Auckland City house values will shortly top the market peak of 2007 in real terms as a red-hot property market pushes up prices.

House sales reach five-year high
House sale volumes have hit a five-year high in the wake of booming prices, with a Real Estate Institute report showing sales up 24 per cent in a year.

Fonterra boosts forecast payout
Fonterra has revised its forecast payout range for the 2012/13 season to $5.90-$6 per kg of milksolids, up 25c per kg compared with the previous forecast.

Doha decision spiteful, says consultant
A decision at the Doha climate conference which excludes New Zealand from international carbon markets will have little effect on consumers and emitters.

Brian Gaynor: Wrong decisions send our savings overseas
KiwiSaver investors are sending more money overseas...

Scrutiny makes smaller pay rise likely
Low-wage workers look likely to get a small pay rise of under 3 per cent next April after the Government removed social factors from the criteria for setting the minimum wage.

The growth industry that grew
Something looking suspiciously like a cannabis leaf was in the company's logo, while its shops sold filter systems to mask the smell of the drug and bongs to smoke it.

Auckland house prices up 1.5pc
The average selling price for homes in the Auckland market rose by 1.5 per cent last month, says the region's biggest real estate agency Barfoot and Thompson.

Govt deficit up as tax take dips
The New Zealand government's operating deficit was wider than forecast in the first four months of the financial year.

Winz worker justifiably fired - ERA
A Winz employee who helped family members - including her ex-husband, sister and stepdaughter - get jobs was justifiably sacked, the ERA has found.

Should the Govt act over the pay equity imbalance?
A campaign has been launched to demand equal pay for women after finding that, on average, men are paid at least 10 per cent more than women. Have your say here.

Record prices: Your home's new value
The two faces of the North Island property market are reflected in new figures out today that show Auckland prices still largely surging.

Christmas is the season of lay-offs
More people lose their jobs in the lead-up to Christmas than in other times of the year, as employers take stock and plan for the year ahead.

Dita De Boni: Learning from trip to la-la land
It's time to realign our educational aspirations with economic reality.

Sacked supervisor: 'It's ruined my life'
A supermarket worker sacked over non-payment for a loaf of banana bread she wanted to gift to a blind woman says the incident had "ruined my life".

Key talks up sweeteners for TV
The Government wants to offer better incentives to get more foreign TV shows filmed in New Zealand.

Brian Fallow: Pharmac vulnerable in trade talks
It is not a binary question - will Pharmac survive or not? - but rather how might the rules it operates under change, writes Brian Fallow.