Frostbitten workers cost company $22k
A fish processing company has been ordered to pay $22,000 after two of its employees suffered frostbite while unloading fish from a vessel last year.
A fish processing company has been ordered to pay $22,000 after two of its employees suffered frostbite while unloading fish from a vessel last year.
"While there's been much hand-wringing over housing prices, is intervention by the Reserve Bank really the answer?" asks David Tripe.
"What just happened?" asks Brian Rudman. "Bland, colourless Labour leader David Shearer has suddenly been transmogrified into a working-class hero."
Job security was workers' No 1 priority last year. Now Kiwi employees are seeking better pay and improved workplace perks.
An "agitated" Air NZ hostess, angry at how she was woken during a flight, was ordered to take anger management lessons because she shook the colleague who woke her.
The NZIER shadow board thinks the Reserve Bank should keep the official cash rate on hold at 2.5 per cent tomorrow.
Electricity prices were a conspicuous exception to the subdued inflation numbers reported yesterday.
The New Zealand and Australian dollars were knocked lower yesterday after data showed China's economic recovery stumbled in the first quarter.
Payroll clerks have joined tradesmen as the most sought-after workers in the country because of the Novopay crisis, an international recruiting agency says.
The labour market is showing signs of warming up - but new graduates and trainees still face a tough battle for work.