Latest fromEconomy

Brian Fallow: More to living wage than meets eye
The question is whether hard-working parents should be able to earn enough from their wages to give a couple of kids a minimally decent start in life, writes Brian Fallow.

How Key lost home loans bid
John Key has admitted he had to be persuaded to back off his bid to press the Reserve Bank into exempting first-home buyers from the banks' new loan rules.

NZ housing costs high, pay low
New Zealanders spend more of their income on housing than any other developed country in the OECD apart from heavily indebted Greece, a report reveals.

Casino risks kept a secret
Information about the harm caused by the SkyCity convention centre deal was withheld because it was considered commercially sensitive, official papers show.

Balance at the top gives an edge
Talented women are significantly under-represented in top jobs, but organisations can take action to level the playing field.

OCR rise delay hinted at
Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler has signalled he might push back the start of increases in the official cash rate if the New Zealand dollar stays high.

High dollar could delay OCR rises
Graeme Wheeler has signalled he may delay the start of rises in the official cash rate if the Kiwi dollar stays high.

Brian Fallow: Money belt is starting to tighten
It may be six months or so before the Reserve Bank begins to raise the official cash rate, but monetary tightening is already under way, writes Brian Fallow.

Skills shortage hampers rebuild
Some 1,000 recruits are needed to train for work on roads, fresh water, stormwater and other infrastructure.

Wheeler explains home lending limits
Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler has explained his decision to impose curbs on mortgage lending at low deposits.

Engineering offers chance to change people's lives for better
With oil fields generally in remote or unstable places, Sarah Balsom feels lucky to be based in Taranaki.