Latest fromEconomy

Tips for rising women leaders
Advice for women in leadership from Brenda Freeman of DreamWorks Animation.

Dealing with slack colleagues
Karla L. Miller gives advice on navigating the modern workplace

How your house value changed
First home buyer numbers had picked up nationally in March according to new figures from QV out today. So what happened where you live? Check our infographic.

Brian Fallow: The sceptics' case on Labour's plan
The contrary view to Labour's plan for monetary policy and savings goes broadly like this: It is a cute idea but it won't work, writes Brian Fallow.

Jobs up as labour force expands
Employment grew strongly in the first three months of the year but so did the supply of workers, leaving unemployment unchanged and wage pressures subdued.

Signs of a Reserve Bank rate-rise pullback?
Some economists are interpreting talk by Governor Graeme Wheeler that the Reserve Bank may intervene in the foreign exchange market.

18,000 new homes for Auckland
A third tranche of "Special Housing Areas" will create 18,000 new residences across Auckland. Click here for details and maps of the new areas, announced today.

New Akld housing areas to be named
Auckland mayor Len Brown has just announced a 'significant' number of new approvals of special housing areas will be revealed today.

SkyCity CFO resigns after three years
SkyCity CFO James Burrell, who had been seen as a potential leader, has resigned for family reasons and will return to the UK.

KiwiSaver: Missed opt-out form causes confusion
What happens if the payroll services company which the employer used for paying its employees failed to submit my opt-out form?

Auckland house prices, sales slump
The average Auckland house sale price and volumes achieved by the city's biggest real estate agency dropped from $725,708 in March to $708,603 last month.

NZ's door open to foreigners - Key
Prime Minister John Key laid out the welcome mat for foreigners yesterday and said it was a point of contrast between National and other parties.

Liam Dann: US will be silver bullet for NZ dollar
There's a lot of debate about a silver bullet solution for New Zealand's high dollar, writes Liam Dann. The good news is there is one. The bad news is that we have no control over it.

Brian Gaynor: Challenge and reward in growing ethnic mix
The 2013 Census contains a huge amount of fascinating information that highlights the difficulties facing businesses, particularly in the Auckland area, writes Brian Gaynor.

Ironsands miner gets permit off Taranaki coast
TransTasman Resources has been granted a mining permit to extract titano-magnetite sands some 22 to 36 km off the coast of Patea, in the Exclusive Economic Zone.

Westland Milk gets China export accreditation
Westland Milk, the Hokitika-based dairy coop, has received accreditation to export products into China, joining the five manufacturers named yesterday.

Brian Fallow: Labour's plan a subtly blunt instrument
What we got from Labour's finance spokesman David Parker on Tuesday was a much broader economic policy than that would imply, writes Brian Fallow.

Firms full of confidence
Businesses are still brimming with confidence, ANZ's monthly survey has found.

Business confidence extends slide as rates rises bite
Business confidence extended its slide from a 20-year high amid expectations the central bank will continue to hike interest rates.

Labour's KiwiSaver 'bun fight'
Labour's proposal to introduce a variable contribution rate to compulsory KiwiSaver as a counter-cyclical tool has received mixed reviews from bank economists.

Changyong Rhee: Strong links with Asia lift NZ prospects
New Zealand is well positioned to capitalise on the largely favourable global trends.

LVR rules slowed price rises
Mortgage-lending rules introduced last October appear to have helped slow the speed of rising house prices, the Reserve Bank said yesterday.

Fran O'Sullivan: Flaws in Labour's inflation plan
If Labour finance spokesman David Parker is proposing a job swap with the Reserve Bank Governor he should say so, writes Fran O'Sullivan.

Workers ready to retire before 60
A full five years before their first New Zealand Superannuation payment kicks in, most Kiwi employees are good and ready to down tools, hang up aprons, return company-provided laptops and take a permanent holiday from work.

Brian Fallow: Labour's plan looks good
The first impression of the Labour Party's "monetary policy upgrade" is that it looks good, writes Brian Fallow, managing to look both conservative and progressive.

IT entrepreneur seeks 'right-hand' in NZ
Kiwi tech entrepreneur Derek Handley is on the hunt for a "right-hand" in New Zealand to manage investments and launch ventures.

Fifty-one lives lost on the job
Fifty-one workers were killed while they were doing their jobs last year, the Council of Trade Unions says.