David Hisco: Five ways to set NZ up for a bright future
With the most resounding mandate in living memory, what's a third-term National Party-led Government to do?
With the most resounding mandate in living memory, what's a third-term National Party-led Government to do?
For a lot of people the contribution an employer pays towards your KiwiSaver - currently 3 per cent - is in addition to your wages, but this isn't always the case.
Mark Ford, who has quietly and efficiently been responsible for ensuring Aucklanders have high-quality water and wastewater disposal, has lost a long battle with illness.
Watercare chairman David Clarke has paid tribute to the company’s former chief executive, Mark Ford, who died earlier today after serious illness.
The general election failed to dent September house sale volumes which rose nearly 8 per cent last month.
New Zealand food prices fell in September, as cheaper cheese and seasonal fruit and vegetables offset rising meat prices.
Workplace bullying affects people physically and mentally and it can disrupt workplaces and reduce productivity. Here are 10 tips to deal with workplace bullying.
The world's richest man is calling for a radical overhaul of our work-life balance that would see people at their jobs for just three days a week.
A suggestion by the Finance Minister councils are increasing poverty through poor planning rules that drive housing costs higher has been labelled 'simplistic'.
In our parents' (or grandparents') generation it was possible to rely on a job for life.
Fred Malek, worth an estimated $500m, has enjoyed a 50-year career spanning many worlds, from hotels to airlines to sports.
Planning policies have probably increased inequality amongst New Zealanders more than any other policies through higher housing costs Finance Minister Bill English says.
Finance Minister Bill English is warning the tax take may come in below forecast in the current financial year.
A woman has been awarded nearly $17,000 after her hours were cut at a hotel where she worked in Timaru.
Comfort zones can be very hard to get out of but staying there too long can be, well, uncomfortable. What many people don't realise is that getting out of your comfort zone is not necessarily a great leap and can be done in small steps.
Most people have no idea how much money chief executives make compared with the average worker.
A man squatting at a property since the owner moved back in has been unsuccessful in asking the ERA to acknowledge his status as the owner's employee.
The solution to Auckland's serious housing shortage is - when viewed calmly - logical, writes Bob Jones. Emulate Dubai, and hire cheap overseas workers.
One of the main trends coming through from this year's pay survey is the lack of women in the list of top-paid chief executives. So where are they?
Barfoot and Thompson has just released its annual landlord survey - and it revealed most are planning to put rents up by about 5 per cent.
Tamsyn Parker writes: We're living in a "rock star" economy, even Finance Minister Bill English reckons we should all be in line for a pay rise. But how do you broach the subject?
You already know that caffeine is a drug, but really thinking about what that means in terms of physiological effects on your body can be a little alarming.
The NZ dollar slumped to its lowest in more than a year after RBNZ governor Graeme Wheeler jawboned it through a key support level of 80 US cents.
The issues of cyber bullying and bullying in schools get a lot of attention, but bullying in the workplace flies under the radar.
A new category recognising diversity in the workplace has been added to the Deloitte Top 200 Award, to be announced in November.