Who's the poor sucker sitting by the photocopier?
The problem with interruptions is not just the interruption itself but also how long it takes to get back on task, says Robyn Pearce.
The problem with interruptions is not just the interruption itself but also how long it takes to get back on task, says Robyn Pearce.
Of course we all know that when a workplace is reducing staff things can get stressful - but we don't always realise how a business expanding can be difficult for us too.
Henri Eliot talks to James Fletcher about health and safety in New Zealand.
We place a lot of emphasis on the rock-star founders of entrepreneurial start-ups but we often forget about the "joiners".
New Zealand Post is considering the sale of its mail and record management outsourcing unit, Converga.
Employees have provided anonymous company reviews on career website Glassdoor to rank the top CEOs.
Auckland needs to grow "up" and it needs political leadership to convince those on the isthmus to embrace that growth, writes Bernard Hickey.
William Pesek on considering the cost of China's stock boom - the biggest being President Jinping's economic reform program.
The New Zealand dollar could fall as low as US60c against the greenback this year following yesterday's official cash rate cut, says a market strategist.
If we want to resist the trends dividing New Zealanders into the haves and the never-wills, the OECD has some policy suggestions the Government could take on board.
The Reserve Bank's decision to lower the official cash rate has been heralded as a positive move for house buyers outside Auckland.
Reserve Bank governor Graeme Wheeler has defended the decision to lower the Official Cash Rate amid concerns it could worsen the unaffordability of house prices in Auckland.
A cruise industry leader says the falling Kiwi dollar against the United States currency could be an impediment to growth in cruising by New Zealanders.
$6.5 trillion: the value created in 12 months of trading on Chinese stock exchanges. Has it all gone too far?
Banks have slashed mortgage rates this morning in reaction to the Reserve Bank cutting the Official Cash Rate to 3.25 per cent.
Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey has again been accused of being out of touch with everyday economic realities after advising would-be home-buyers facing spiralling prices to get "a good job .......
Large employers in the US are relaxing dress codes to keep employees from jumping ship
NZIER’s shadow monetary policy board favours an on-hold decision when the Reserve Bank reviews the official cash rate.
Interviewing for a job over the phone might seem like a doddle compared to fronting up at the professional offices of a prospective employer.
QV's latest figures show NZ house values have risen at the fastest pace in 15 months.
The difference between winning and succeeding applies not just in sport, but in all areas of life, writes Anna Russell.
Too many drivers are keeping the Auckland property market hot, and experts see little or no change, as David Maida discovers.
The day of the Kiwi quarter-acre dream is a dream of yesteryear, especially for those of us who call Auckland home.
Auckland prices have been rising faster than elsewhere in the country, due to recent action by the Reserve Bank and the Govt.
The owners of a liquor store who were found to have racially harassed an employee have lodged an appeal against the judgment, saying they weren't given a chance to defend the claims.