Brian Fallow: Oi, Brits - check out our model
COMMENT: The political and financial market aftershocks of the Brexit vote will eventually subside.
COMMENT: The political and financial market aftershocks of the Brexit vote will eventually subside.
Banks are running short of British pound banknotes as Kiwis take advantage of a massive slump in the currency's value.
WATCH: New Zealand's migration gain per capita is currently running nearly three times as high as the UK.
Winter is here and years of bargaining lie ahead.
Housing was listed as an issue in both the monetary policy and financial stability section of the statement.
Dakota Hemmingson has been awarded $13,250 after being forced out of her job because of her transition.
Britain must pursue a Norway-style agreement with the EU if it is to avoid a recession, according to Morgan Stanley.
UKIP leader says Britain should never have turned its back on New Zealand when it joined the Common Market.
COMMENT: Find a strong mentor. There's nothing like the wisdom from someone who has been there and back.
COMMENT: At a meeting in Zurich on Saturday central bank governors from around the world pledged to support financial markets to avoid Brexit contagion.
New Zealand First is pushing for Closer Commonwealth Economic Relations (CCER) between New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
The NZ dollar tumbled more than US3c, or 4.4 per cent, and swap rates dropped as the UK voted to leave the EU.
The result was clearly for "leave", but a huge majority of those under 25 wanted to stay in Europe.
COMMENT: There's no such thing as a 'quick and easy' shopping experience with small children.
Any expats living in New York City or London who thought they had it tough, think again.
Three top businesswoman have been inducted into the Business Hall of Fame for Women Entrepreneurs this evening.
COMMENT: Auckland, like many mayor cities across the globe, also experiences a 'productivity premium' in the CBD.
The traditional annual increase doesn't work in this economy anymore, says an expert. So some companies are trying to break away from this system.
A Christchurch plasterer was fired after his boss told him to return to work or to "show proof" his partner's grandmother was dying.
Employers should embrace new technologies to make the most of a fast-changing world
COMMENT: The word competition actually means 'to strive together'.
A woman working on a farm owned by her father and stepmother was forced to leave after a heated argument.
COMMENT: Creating a market for water use rights would be good for the environment and the economy.
The New Zealand dollar and stock exchange have bounced this morning after weekend polls in the UK showed Brexit risk falling.