Earl Hagaman's widow has been denied the chance to take her husband's defamation case against former Labour leader Andrew Little to the Supreme Court.
A High Court trial earlier last year came to a close with the jurors unable to reach a verdict on several of the claims against Little.
The jury was considering six separate incidents which hotelier Earl Hagaman and his wife Lani claimed were defamatory of them - one was a press release and the others comments Little made in media interviews.
They related to a $100,000 donation from Earl Hagaman to the National Party in 2014 and a hotel management contract at the Matavai resort in Niue for the Hagaman's Scenic Circle Group which was awarded a month later.
The jury found by a majority verdict that Little had defamed Earl Hagaman in one instance - an interview in a 1 News broadcast - but was unable to decide whether Little had ceded his defence of qualified privilege so did not go on to consider damages.