Fight climate change or accept that we can't beat it - just don't ignore it
Enlightened indeed are our leaders. Tim Groser, Minister for Climate Change Issues, has declared a report signed by 2500 global scientists urging immediate international action on climate change a "useful contribution".
Is there no end to this man's brilliance? Our minister can barely bring himself to agree that there is climate change, let alone that scientists who have devoured thousands of reports to bring us the most potent picture yet of our inevitable doom can have the faintest hint of an idea about the subject.
Instead, the Kiwi nickel-and-dime brigade is again out in force, warning that any action will cost us money, that "other countries don't, why should we?" and that technology will save us anyhow. Fossil Fools, some people call them.
Yet the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says, via chairman Rajendra Pachauri, "the high-speed mitigation train needs to leave the station very soon and all of global society needs to get on board". And if we don't, he warns, we will fail to stay below the 2C threshold for "safe" warming and bring certain disaster down on our heads - and the heads of the children and grandchildren we so lovingly bring into this world.