A law change means Fonterra's muscle in New Zealand's dairy markets will continue to be managed and the way is cleared for a new Government review of the dairy industry.
Parliament has passed the Dairy Industry Restructure Amendment Bill which means the efficiency and contestibility provisions of the Act, which enabled the formation of Fonterra in 2001 from a major industry merger, managed the resulting single company, and degulated dairy exporting, will no longer expire in the South Island on May 31.
Fonterra, a cooperative which collects 82 per cent of the country's raw milk, could have been freed from DIRA restrictions in the South Island this year because competitors which have emerged since 2001 now have enough of a milk market share to legislatively deem that market competitive.
But the Commerce Commission in 2016 concluded competition wasn't sufficient to remove the DIRA provisions.
Minister of Agriculture Damien O'Connor said it was not in the interests of farmers, dairy manufacturers, consumers or the New Zealand economy to let key DIRA provisions expire in the South Island.