Commentators predicting an economic boom in 2014 point to current business confidence levels, rising GDP, falling unemployment and revived consumer spending. However, it is in this transition period from stagnation to growth that businesses are most at risk of over-trading.
Over-trading is the combination of rapid growth and insufficient financial resources. It typically occurs when a business expands too quickly and lacks enough cash to pay its creditors as they fall due, despite being profitable and often having plenty of debtors and/or inventory. Over-trading also puts a strain on management and staff, often making employees less productive and more prone to mistakes.
The latest McGrathNicol working capital report shows that the average working capital cycle across all industries in 2013 was around 54 days (down four days from 2012). This is the time it takes to manufacture your product, hold inventory before it is sold and finally receive money from your customers, less the amount of credit you get from your suppliers.

For example, a business with $10 million of turnover has roughly $1.5 million tied up in working capital (54/365 days x $10 million). If the business doubles its turnover to $20 million, it needs to find another $1.5 million to fund the additional working capital required. It will take another 54 days to convert the additional sales into cash, and that delay has to be funded. If the business grows too quickly, without the financial resources to support growth, it may find itself with insufficient cash to meet creditor payments.
This outcome is not uncommon. Property developer Starplus Homes went into receivership in 2013 owing creditors almost $35 million, with some suggesting the cause was rapid expansion without the financial resources to take projects to completion. A consumer finance company also went into receivership in late 2013 after aggressively expanding its operations, only to find that profits were not converting to cash quickly enough to meet its new obligations.
To manage the risk, a cash-flow loan or leveraging existing assets, such as plant and equipment or debtors, are possible options. But bear in mind that financiers will want to see a healthy level of equity in the business and a robust business plan before providing debt, in particular for a working capital loan, which is generally not supported by physical assets.