The Government's plans to rewrite legislation governing telecommunications will tilt the regulatory approach of the sector in favour of end consumers over investors in fibre and copper networks, says broking house First NZ Capital.
Communications Minister Amy Adams this week announced plans to change the way telecommunications network operators, such as Chorus, can charge for wholesale access to their regulated services.
The favoured approach is to impose a revenue cap based on an ultrafast broadband provider's regulatory asset base and price caps for basic services, which would likely be voice-only, entry-level broadband, and basic broadband products.
The Government wants to have the new regime in place from 2020, with immediate regulation for Chorus because of its dominance in the national market, while other local fibre companies such as NorthPower, Ultra-Fast Fibre and Enable would only face the threat of regulation because they face more competition.
In a note on the proposals, brokerage First NZ said the Government appeared wary of being overly prescriptive in its proposals, and while it tried to protect both end users and investors post-2020, consumers came out on top.