Institutional investors said they were not surprised by the move.
Swasbrook said it was disappointing but Bethunes shareholders had not incurred any direct costs from the transaction and were therefore no worse off than before.
NZRPG is transforming Milford on the North Shore into 115 apartments and expanding the mall. Its Westgate is a new Auckland town centre and big plans are held for Birkenhead's Highbury: a new mall and apartment blocks up to 11 levels, indicative plans show.
Tim Preston of CM Partners, which had been managing the listing process, said before the deal was cancelled that it was "the biggest reverse takeover of a listed business in the NZX's history", due to the value of NZRPG's assets.
Prior to today's announcement institutional investors had run their eyes over the business, after presentations by NZRPG executives.
"It's too early to have a view on what is reasonable pricing relative to the risks and opportunities, of which there are both at this late stage of the property cycle," said one investor. "I do like [NZRPG head] Mark Gunton's vision and entrepreneurship but the deal will still need to value up well."
Another was not keen.
"My opinion is not positive. They're asking for equity and I'm unlikely to be part of that process. The assets are of reasonable quality in good locations."
Capital raising would fund Milford's development which the investor said was interesting on the face of it and seemed such an obvious thing to do given the issues of supply, using the assets to encourage higher density housing.
"But the issue that I see is the price point they're looking to get. It's pretty high."
Sara Johnson, NZRPG marketing and communications general manager, said last year that prices started at $1.7 million for a 94sq m Milford unit.
Johnson said Gunton and chairman Paul Duffy had met local and Australian investors lately.
"These meetings were part of a non-deal roadshow while the board continues to assess various capital management options.
"The purpose of these meetings has simply been [introductions] and to provide a high-level overview of the company."