"Retirement is the best thing ever," my mother-in-law told me the other day. It's no wonder they're immediately taking to their post-work lifestyle - my father-in-law has just stepped away from a 70-hour work week, after all. Let the enjoyment begin!
One of the best things we can all do to get prepared for those years after we finish up working - or getting on to all the other activities we're keen on doing - is to keep a single number in mind. People who do tend to have the future more in focus.
• Get Sorted: Start thy purse to fattening
• Get Sorted: How much is enough?
Twenty thousand. That's the new figure this year for NZ Super, or more precisely $20,007.52 per annum, $384.76 per week. (Let's call it an even $385.) That's the number for singles living alone; for couples it's $30,781, or $592 a week.
Could we get by on that $20,000?