With these little tweaks and third party software, you can personalise your Netflix binge-watching experience like never before.
With these little tweaks and third party software, you can personalise your Netflix binge-watching experience like never before.
Netflix might seem pretty straight forward, however with a few little tweaks and third party software, you can personalise your binge-watching experience like never before.
Here is a list of things you can do to take your Netflix to the next level.
Unless you are a film buff, giving ratings to the content you consume can be quite the task.
While Netflix suggests content based on what you have already consumed, the algorithm is much closer to your tastes if you review movies personally.
Enter Chrome extension Netflix Party, which will synch playback so everyone will be able to watch the same movie at the same time.
Taking things one step further, the extension also has a side-screen chat box for conversation during the binge-watching experience.
Scene from The Crown.
If you have a slow internet connection, you might be very familiar with buffering wheel of death.
Luckily, you can beat this happening by manually adjusting Netflix's streaming quality settings.
If watching Netflix in Chrome, pressing Control-Shift-Option-S will bring you to a secret menu that will allow you to tweak the bitrate and quality of your stream.
Those watching Netflix on a console can also find the menu with the slightly more complicated method of pressing 'up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, up, up, up, up'.
While you can't download every movie and show on Netflix, heading to the "Available for Download" from the menu will show you what is available.
You can choose between standard and higher downloads - one is obviously quicker to download and takes up less space on your device, the other offers higher resolution.
Netflix will clear all the content after a certain date, but if your downloads are taking up too much space on your device, you can select to "Delete All Downloads" in the app.
By making a small tweak to the Netflix URL, you will be able to unlock hyper-specific genres such as religious documentaries or cerebral French-language dramas from the 1960s.
To manually explore categories usually hidden by the streaming service, you will need to enter the following URL: http://www.netflix.com/browse/genre/INSERTNUMBER.
A full list of the secret codes can be found here.
Lauren Graham, left, and Alexis Bledel in 'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.'
At the 2015 World Maker Fair, Netflix unveiled a prototype known as "the Switch" - a button that can dim the lights, activate your phone's Do Not Disturb feature and get the streaming service ready for the night ahead.