Networks company Vector reported a 4.8 per cent rise in full year revenue to $1.24 billion, although underlying net profit slipped 0.8 per cent to $171.3 million.
Growth in electricity volume, a doubling of smart meter installations and a strategic deal with Transpower had underpinned a steady year, Vector said today.
In the year to June reported net profit was up 4.1 percent to $201.4m, with one-off items including a $30.1m contribution from the agreement reached with Transpower, and a $20.9m non-cash benefit from changes in the tax regime which decreased deferred tax liability.
A larger asset base and accelerated depreciation on certain asset classes increased depreciation and amortisation by $13.9m on the year before, Vector said.
Net interest costs were up $11.2m, reflecting higher interest rates, and a $6.6m one-off gain in 2010 arising from the repurchase of floating rate notes.