How is your business planning to tackle 2023?
Despite the pessimism that pervades the headlines, I am of the view that we will start positively. From a Property Council perspective, we will continue to focus on how we can support the property sector and ensure that we work towards our overall purpose - “Together, shaping cities where communities thrive”.
What will be the major challenges and/or opportunities for your industry?
The economy and the property industry are facing some challenges, but being a glass-half-full kind of person - and having learned from the past three years of challenges - I know there are always opportunities, even in challenging times.
How do you think the Government has handled the economy?
Taking a global view, New Zealand is not alone in its economic challenges and you’d be hard-pressed to find any government in any other country doing much better. Of course, hindsight is 20:20, and we are facing some big issues as a nation, but I doubt the situation would be much different if a different party or coalition was in power.
How do you think the National Party has performed in opposition?
Every Government needs an opposition to hold it to account, and overall I think the National Party has performed this role well. Like many others, I will watch with interest as the pre-election campaigns ramp up in 2023.
What are your predictions for 2023?
We are facing headwinds and uncertainty, both globally and nationally. New Zealanders are already feeling the impact of our economic challenges with rising interest rates, increasing inflation, a shortage of workers and what feels like a delayed economic downturn following the pandemic. For many Kiwis it will be a challenging year, but with every downturn there is an upswing - now is the time for preparation and planning.
What was the most interesting story of 2022?
In my mind there is one story that stands out above the rest: when the Black Ferns won the Women’s Rugby World Cup. Watching the mana and the absolute joy of their campaign was truly captivating.
What’s the worst mistake you’ve made in business?
While there have been mistakes, I’m not sure I’d consider any of them my “worst mistake”. You simply can’t succeed in anything without making mistakes and having the odd failure, especially when you’re in a period of rapid transformation or innovation. My ethos is to fail fast, then pick myself up, shake it off and aim to make better mistakes next time.
What would you rate as your greatest success in business?
Without a doubt, the greatest joy of business is watching people flourish. It makes me so proud to watch people learn and grow, make positive impacts and create environments where they get to be the best that they can be. As the saying goes, “He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata -. What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people”.
Where and how are you holidaying this summer?
I will be in Auckland for Christmas with all the family and am then heading to Rotorua.