Still from time-lapse footage of the fire at the Skycity Convention Centre construction site. Photo / Niwa
Still from time-lapse footage of the fire at the Skycity Convention Centre construction site. Photo / Niwa
Fire and Emergency NZ says 10 different organisations are conducting a co-operative investigation into the NZ International Convention Centre fire.
Ron Devlin, region manager, gave that number in a statement yesterday but only specifically named police, insurers and other Government agencies.
The Herald reported yesterday how Fletcher Constructionhas been assisting in providing resources, including large cranes for accessing and examining the scene.
That begged the question: precisely who has staff on that crucial investigation team and what are the names of the 10 organisations involved?
A spokesman for Fenz said today: "As we mentioned, we are working alongside police. To get the agencies that SkyCity and Fletcher are working alongside it would be best to ask their teams."
Questions have been sent to Fletcher Building and SkyCity Entertainment Group, seeking names of the 10 parties involved.
Fenz, convention centre owner SkyCity and Fletcher Construction are expected to be playing a lead role in the investigation.
But staff from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment are not involved, even though they have a crucial role in the building and construction sector: "We are the stewards and the central regulator of New Zealand's building system," MBIE says.
Fire at the NZ International Convention Centre site last week. Photo / Supplied
A spokesperson said: "MBIE is not involved in the investigation, however we have a good relationship with Fenz and expect any relevant learnings will be shared."
Four different businesses from the insurance sector are also likely be involved in their role on the project, sending their own staff onto the team.
Those insurers are Chubb, the world's largest publicly traded property and casualty insurer, with operations in 54 countries and territories, QBE NZ, American-headquartered Berkshire Hathaway and insurance broker Willis Towers Watson.
The police will also be involved in the investigation and were named by Devlin.
New Zealand's primary workplace health and safety regulator, WorkSafe, will also be involved as well as the police. That Crown entity has more than 550 staff based across New Zealand, lifting health and safety performance and supporting workers to return home healthy and safe.
WorkSafe says it investigates potential breaches of the Health and Safety and Work Act 2015 to determine whether prosecution is warranted.
Flames at the centre. Photo / Michael Craig
However, only Fenz, police and unnamed insurers have been confirmed officially so far.
WorkSafe said yesterday it was in the very early stages of its initial inquiries into the fire: "We have not launched an investigation at this point. There are multiple agencies involved in the post-event work and WorkSafe will continue to support other agencies involved."
WorkSafe had not signed off on a resumption of work at the site and it did not do such a thing.
"Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, it is the responsibility of a business to manage risks to its workers as far as is reasonably practicable – not WorkSafe's," it stressed.
A local/central Government representative is also said to be on the committee, although nothing has so far been confirmed.
So the 10 involved in the fire probe could possibly be:
• 1. Fletcher Construction;
• 2. SkyCity;
• 3. Fire and Emergency NZ;
• 4. NZ Police
• 5. Chubb;
• 6. QBE NZ;
• 7. Berkshire Hathaway;
• 8. Willis Towers Watson;
• 9. WorkSafe NZ;
• 10. Local/central Government rep.
Fletcher has issued no update on the fire since its NZX announcement last Wednesday when it said all Fletcher Construction Company staff and subcontractors on the site were evacuated safely.
"Once the fire has been extinguished and it is deemed safe to re-enter the site, investigations can commence to determine the cause of the fire and assess the extent of the damage. The company will commence an investigation and will assist with all other investigations to be conducted," Fletcher said a week ago.
Once the extent of the damage is known the company will be able to determine the impact on the project delivery timeline, in consultation with SkyCity. It is expected there will be a material delay, it said, adding that contract works and third party liability insurance was held.
Last Thursday, SkyCity said the site would be handed back to Fletcher once it was safe.