Plans for the new eight-level project in Auckland. Photo / Auckland Council
Plans for the new eight-level project in Auckland. Photo / Auckland Council
A local subsidiary of an ASX-listed company with a $16.8 billion (A$15.2b) market capitalisation is planning to demolish a line of one- to three-level Auckland buildings and replace them with a new eight-storey block.
In 2020, Auckland Council granted consent for the project, leaving the only regulatory hurdle being theability to swing two huge cranes on the site.
That has now been applied for.
Scentre (NZ), owned by the listed giant Sydney-headquartered Scentre Group, is moving forward with plans to super-size leafy, quiet Nuffield St between Broadway and Remuera Rd.
The business spent more than $790 million expanding Westfield Newmarket, with its holdings on Nuffield St pitched as more of a boutique, alfresco retail offering.
Scentre’s plans for upsizing buildings on that side of the precinct more than double its real estate holdings. It will build only on one side of Nuffield St, towards the Remuera side.
Demolition on this stretch of Nuffield St is planned. Photo / Google Maps
Its consent documents explain what it’s about to do: “The demolition of the entire block of buildings at 7-37 Nuffield St and the construction of an eight-storey building with a mix of commercial, retail and food and beverage outlets at ground level and offices for the upper seven storeys, along with associated earthworks, discharge of contaminants and servicing and access arrangements.”
Scentre doesn’t own the sites but leases them from Tramlease, connected to Viaduct Harbour Holdings.
The sites to be developed are between Nuffield Lane, Nuffield St and Balm St. The site is 2964sq m, the consent says.
Permission was granted on September 22, 2020 for a commercial building of eight storeys, with a mix of offices, shops and food-and-beverage outlets at ground level.
Offices only are planned for the upper seven storeys, not apartments.
Nuffield St. The only regulatory hurdle is now getting consent to swing two huge cranes on the site.
“The existing buildings on the site comprise a variety of predominantly single-level commercial buildings accommodating a combination of retail and food-and-beverage tenancies, with that part of the site at the corner of Balm St and Nuffield Lane occupied by a three-storey building with offices above the ground level retail tenancy,” the consent document says.
But Scentre needs notified consent to swing two enormous tower cranes over the land during construction, hence it applied in November to breach protected volcanic view shafts with its cranes.
So that application has become fully notified and people have till Monday, February 20, to make their views known.
The application is to install and operate two luffing cranes to enable the construction of consented retail and commercial developments.
Title details show a mortgage over the property to ASB Bank and a leasehold term of 99 years starting in 2000. Tram Lease is listed as the owner of the freehold title.