Auckland's housing shortage is smaller than officials think and if the Housing Accord reaches its target over the next three years there could be an oversupply of 10,000 homes, says the Institute of Economic Research.
The institute argued this year that the Auckland Council's estimate of a shortage of 20,000 to 30,000 homes is too high, because it is not convinced the average number of people per household will continue to fall at the rate it has in the past and because the upsurge in net immigration represents fewer people leaving the country rather than an upsurge in immigration - a pattern that tends to support population levels in the provinces rather than swell the number of Aucklanders.
Since then the Census recorded slower population growth in Auckland than previously estimated, NZIER says in its latest quarterly predictions. At 1.2 per cent a year between 2006 and 2013 it was 0.4 percentage points weaker than expected.
NZIER estimates the shortage of housing at around 5000 homes.