Another rise in the official cash rate, to 3 per cent, on Thursday is seen as a virtual certainty. But the markets will scrutinise the accompanying statement for signs that the fact that dairy prices and the exchange rate have parted company is giving the Reserve Bank second thoughts about the pace and ultimate extent of the monetary tightening still to come.
Money market pricing implies a 97 per cent chance the bank will raise its policy rate 25 basis points this week and then either three or four more times by this time next year.
And a Reuters poll of 17 economic forecasters found near-universal expectation of another hike in June and a majority expecting two more by the end of the year.
Westpac chief economist Dominick Stephens said the message would probably be the same as in March: The economy is gathering momentum, construction is booming, inflation pressures are building and therefore the OCR needs to rise.
The Reserve Bank in its communications earlier this year had made it crystal clear it expects to increase the OCR by about 2 percentage points over two years and the 90-day interest rate forecast in the March monetary policy statement seemed to indicate it was planning four OCR hikes in a row, in March, April, June and July, he said.