The SheEO funding model was launched two years ago in North America and is now spreading to other countries.
New Zealand is the first country to launch the model outside of North America but Gattung expected six countries to be involved by next year. The Netherlands and Australia are lining up next.
The model was needed because of the difficulty women have in getting venture capital, she said.
"The research is clear. It is much more difficult for women to get venture financing."
Most of those who ran venture capital funds were men and they were more comfortable with what they knew, she said.
The aim in New Zealand is to get 500 women on board who will invest $1000 each. The money will then be split between five ventures who will decide between them how much each will get.
Gattung said the five ventures would be finalised by April next year based on voting by the 500 investors.
The money has to be paid back within five years. But Gattung said the initial $1000 was more of an of "act of radical generosity" than an investment and would be recycled into investing in more ventures.
However she expected the first ventures to need follow-up funding as they grew, which could lead to investment returns for those who put up their money.
As well as the loan the ventures will be able to tap into the support network of the 500 female backers.
Gattung said it had already received more than 70 expressions of interest from those wanting to apply before it had opened up.
Applications close on November 24 at SheEOWorld.