There is near-unanimous support on NZIER's shadow board for Reserve Bank governor Graeme Wheeler to raise the official cash rate again tomorrow, to 3 per cent.
Ahead of every review, the Institute of Economic Research asks a panel of nine economists and businesspeople to allocate 100 points across possible interest rates, to indicate in a probabilistic way what they think is the appropriate level for the OCR. The results are then combined to give a collective view of what the Reserve Bank should do - not what it will do.
"This round the shadow board's average recommended interest rate is 2.95 per cent, up from 2.77 per cent in the March round six weeks ago," said NZIER economist Kirdan Lees, who set up the board.
"The recovery in the economy is broadening. Households are starting to spend more after years of putting many decisions on hold following the global financial crisis. Businesses are buoyant and are returning to normal investment patterns. The Christchurch reconstruction effort continues to leap ahead."