Waiheke local board wants the latest application notified. Photo / Getty
Waiheke local board wants the latest application notified. Photo / Getty
The Waiheke Local Board wants a helicopter pad proposal to be publicly notified so everyone can have a say and it cites proximity to adjoining properties as one of the reasons.
CHS Vineyard, which owns and operates the Obsidian vineyard between Palm Beach and Onetangi, wants to builda helipad to fly in visitors and tourists and its planner has proposed restrictions to limit effects.
But lobby group Quiet Sky Waiheke opposes that, saying the island already has so many helipads and helicopter movements, it doesn't want any more.
"The helicopter pad is very close to the adjoining properties and the noise and downdraft of landings and take offs will seriously affect the quality of life of the residents whose properties adjoin or are near to this site," the board said.
Limited notification would only address the concerns of the immediate neighbouring properties and not the concerns of affected property owners outside the scope of limited notification, it said.
Flightpaths were not included in the consent application but were an integral part of getting to and from the site, it said.
"The obtrusive noise is a concern that has been made to the local board by individuals and also by a deputation of over 20 people to the local board's public forum," it said.
Public notification would allow affected residents to have their say in expressing their concerns, the board said.
"The application was initially proposed to be considered as a restricted discretionary activity. Should that still be the case, after considering potential buildings sites which are not developed, or are only partially developed in the vicinity of the proposed helicopter pad and flight paths, we ask that your deliberations reflect the large number of people in the community who have requested their amenity be considered in numerous emails and letters to the planners, councillors and local board," it said.
Quiet Skies Waiheke had also contacted the council, "laying out a number of matters arising on behalf of a significant number of residents that they represent. We would wish to ensure that each issue raised is given consideration in the planning deliberations. The local board supports full notification of this consent", the board said.
Wendy Baverstock of Isle Land Planning - a consultant for Obsidian - said flight restrictions from that vineyard would minimise impacts. Flights would be limited to day times and up to 12 single-engine movements during three days or a maximum of eight movements a day, she said.
Obsidian on Waiheke. Photo / supplied
Baverstock told the Herald earlier this month: "The application has been lodged and is being considered by Auckland Council. Council's position on the application will be confirmed in due course."
Her report said only minor earthworks were required because a paddock on the 16-hectare property was the proposed site. No building construction was proposed, nor land disturbance or drainage that exceeded those permitted.
Consultants Marshall Day wrote an acoustic assessment report which examined how the helipad could be operated "to ensure that a reasonable noise level, consistent with that required by the operative district plan rule ... is maintained for neighbours at the nearest noise-sensitive locations."
Baverstock said the helipad would be on a "large rural site in a comparatively remote paddock area surrounded by hills".
Quiet Sky Waiheke said the island was "in the unprecedented situation of having 48 consented helipads. There has been no consideration or assessment of the cumulative impact on noise and safety. There are constant complaints by residents of violations of consent conditions in terms of flight paths used, altitude, number of flights, running engines while landed, etc."