IATA warns the sun is setting on the airline industry. Photo /AP
IATA warns the sun is setting on the airline industry. Photo /AP
The International Air Transport Association represents 290 airlines but its director-general and CEO Alexandre de Juniac says they can't survive much longer.
Someone once said that history doesn't repeat, but it rhymes. Today, as the world's airlines face a cataclysm caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, memories of the post-9/11 periodcome to mind.
But this crisis is far worse. Within a period of a few weeks, airlines have seen passenger demand completely collapse. For most carriers the market for air travel is actually below zero — the number of people cancelling flights exceeds the number of new bookings.
That is not surprising, given that more than 100 governments have closed their borders to foreign visitors and/or imposed lengthy quarantines that have the same practical effect.
As airlines' ticket sales disappear, so does the daily cash intake from those sales, which even the most well-capitalised airlines need to pay their bills. Unfortunately, the bills haven't gone away, although the revenue to pay them has.
Airlines are doing everything they can to slow the steady outflow of cash. They are grounding hundreds of aircraft, eliminating services and in some cases imposing salary reductions and furloughing employees.
In desperation, some are hoping to outlast the crisis by shutting down entirely.
The economic damage to the industry, its employees and its supplier base, is immense; and because aviation does not exist in a vacuum the harm will extend into virtually every corner of our globally connected economy.
The fact is that the modern world is built on aviation connectivity. Aviation supports US$2.7 trillion ($4.73t) in economic activity, equivalent to 3.6 per cent of global GDP. Furthermore, the world's airlines employ some 2.7 million people.
Each one of these 2.7 million dedicated individuals helps to create another 24 jobs in the air transport- and tourism-related industries, such as jobs in hotels, and restaurants, theme parks and museums. That works out to 65.5 million jobs around the globe that are connected to airlines.
Time is fast running out for governments to step in to help. IATA has estimated that the typical airline had just two months of cash at the start of the year and the latest available figures suggest that global air passenger numbers for March are down 50 per cent from a year ago. Support measures are urgently needed.
On a global basis, our initial estimate is that emergency aid of up to $200 billion is required. This should include things such as direct financial support to compensate for reduced ticket revenue that is directly attributable to travel restrictions.
Government or central bank-backed loans and/or loan guarantees will also help, as will temporary tax relief and rebates on taxes paid this year. In combination, these measures will provide airlines with critical breathing space until the crisis recedes.
And where restrictions on entry/exit and quarantines make air services untenable, it is appropriate that governments should suspend consumer regulations that make airlines financially liable for cancellations and schedule changes.
International connectivity is particularly important to New Zealand given its geographic location. We appreciate the support provided by the Government to waive the 80/20 slot rules and the $900 million package that was announced last week.
I hope the Government would also consider temporary relief on rentals, on taxes and other charges for international carriers, for example, that help the entire airline industry – both Air New Zealand and the international carriers - to maintain the critical connectivity from New Zealand to the rest of the world.
I call aviation the business of freedom, because it liberates us from the constraints of time, distance and geography and creates opportunities for greater understanding among cultures.
Even today, in its weakened state, it is aviation that is transporting doctors, nurses and much-needed medicine and testing kits, into the areas hit hardest by Covid-19. When it needs to get there fast, it goes by air.
Alexandre de Juniac, Director General and CEO of IATA. Photo / Supplied
The window for firm Government action is closing. An industry whose raison d'être' is connecting people, cultures and commerce cannot long survive under today's conditions. And the world will be a much poorer place for it.