Juha Saarinen: Do you have a .org domain? Read this
Management organisation for one of the original internet top-level domains was sold.
Management organisation for one of the original internet top-level domains was sold.
Editorial: Issues plague global airline industry as technology stretches to meet demand.
A travel agent says passengers are starting to lose patience.
The silly season looks like it will be one of airport chaos this year.
Air New Zealand is cancelling some international flights over December.
But one airline says it's good news.
The future of flying: Get ready for some big changes to economy.
Airline celebrates flying into 100th year with milestone experimental flight.
Ultra long haul flying is growing with Qantas testing the viability of London-Sydney.
The airline is opening a new regional lounge three times as big as the old one.
Negotiations with French buyer took six months
New York Times: Muilenburg decided to remain to get Boeing through the crisis.
Boeing's deliveries were better than expected but orders were "lackluster", says analyst.
Founded by Sir Ken Stevens Glidepath 47 years ago, it grew around the world.
Comment: Catching a flight for your Christmas holidays? Here's why you should reconsider.
Comment: Flying is freedom, and aviation is not the enemy - carbon is.
The remote bag check will be free at first then cost $15 per booking.
While some retailers are suffering, airlines have negotiated lower rent rises.
The airline has found the going tough across the Tasman after its split with Air NZ.
Slowing demand growth has forced the company to review its network.
New planes are a sign of developing trend - flying further on narrow body aircraft.
The public will have a say over whether Duke can land a helicopter at his boat shed.
The aircraft made its first ever NZ visit on an Asia-Pacific tour.
The A350 will be used on the Wellington-Melbourne-Singapore route.
Three out of 33 of Qantas' 737 aircraft that required inspection will need repair.
Murray Sarginson was prosecuted after the death of his best friend and business partner.
Airport boss: 'We had to be very patient. You've got to build a story of the opportunity'.
Airline hits back at union calls to ground fleet.
It could be Uber instead of Euro copter for multi-millionaires.
Muilenburg acknowledged that Boeing made "mistakes" and was visibly emotional.