"The site will be serviced from the existing network in the surrounding streets. Water supply will be supplemented by the capture and reuse of rainwater for irrigation and by a bore water supply," Ryman's application says.
"A stormwater network has been designed to manage the additional runoff from the fully developed site as well as runoff from contributing upstream catchments. The network will include upgrades to the existing public stormwater pipes that pass through the site, including their diversion around proposed new buildings."
Vast earthworks are planned.
"This site is relatively steep and requires some 144,000 m3 of cut and 68,000 m3
of fill to create the buildings, underground carparks, road and pedestrian circulation and accessible open spaces of the village.
"The site layout and earthworks design mostly avoid the existing area of vegetation and steep slopes on the southern boundary of the site, keep impervious site coverage down to 35 per cent of the site and, to the maximum extent practicable, seek to minimise earthworks quantities. Earthworks will be managed using standard good practice Auckland erosion and sediment control measures," Ryman says.
The village will have a main building and seven additional apartment blocks.
The site is bounded to the north, east and west by residential dwellings located off Lynfield Place (to the north), Tropicana Drive (to the north and east), Commodore Drive (to the east) and Gilleta Road (to the west). The southern boundary of the site is bounded by Wairaki Stream. This stream outlets into Lynfield Cove on the northern coast of the Manukau Harbour, about 400m away.
See a Google Map of the Ryman site here: