The volume of retirement village construction proposed in Otago and the required level of product absorption is untested in the local market, a report released to the Otago Daily Times says.
The CBRE report identified no fewer than 1422 proposed units across the region contained within seven proposed villages and three expanded villages.
CBRE Retirement Housing & Healthcare senior director Michael Gunn said while proposed developments were spread across the region, future supply density was most intense in the Central Otago and Queenstown catchments - both of which came from a lower existing supply scenario than, for example, Dunedin.
Existing supply was concentrated heavily in Dunedin, where 703 retirement village units accounted for 76 per cent of existing stock. That would reduce to 44 per cent if all known stock was complete, suggesting a shift away from the traditional major metropolitan centres for development in the region, he said.
The ratio of proposed units to existing units in the Otago region was high in comparison with other regions but there was a market perception the region had for many years been undersupplied with accommodation catering to retirees.