'Don't be a dick' is the seventh and last of Trade Me's "values", according to its 2012 annual report.
Well I reckon the header in the email Trade Me just sent me contravenes at least the spirit of Value 7: "Uh-oh your Trade Me account needs some love..."
As you may have already guessed, Trade Me was really asking me for money, not love, but perhaps wanted to soften the harsh financial request with a dicky word.
But I've always found the language of Trade Me a little disingenuous. For instance, instead of 'buying stuff' you 'win auctions', which is a nice psychological trick designed to keep the shoppers happy.
Likewise, there's the 'success fee' - more commonly known as a 'commission'. The price of success can be surprisingly high, though, when the innocuous percentage-based arrangement converts into an actual dollar amount.